Jul 5Liked by Eileen Dougharty

I hope I just became your 100th subscriber because then you can say I’ve got 99 problems, but this bitch ain’t one 🤣 I loved this, Eileen. I laughed and nodded along multiple times because I am also someone who says yes and then when the day comes I think why tf did I say yes? But sometimes I end up being really glad I did. So glad to have connected with you! Xo

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ALLY HAMILTON, you are indeed my 100th subscriber! Johnny, tell her what's she's won!

Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. Cannot wait to see what happens in this space, lately I think it's the only place I feel slightly sane. xoxo

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Jul 5Liked by Eileen Dougharty

YES!!! I feel weirdly buoyant about this win, lol. And me, too, I love it here :)

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Book comes tomorrow. Can’t wait! I subscribed to your Stack as well, I was sure I already had, but maybe I’ve just been catching you through Kate M on my feed.

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Jul 5Liked by Eileen Dougharty

Yay! Can’t wait to hear what you think. And I’m happy we’ve connected however it happened!

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Jul 3Liked by Eileen Dougharty

Oh, boy, babe, this makes me long for the city. Here in our suburb, muthafuckin’ morons have been shooting off fireworks for weeks. Lately, I want to slap the shit out of people. And don’t get me started on our current state of affairs. Much like a horny teenage boy to whom impregnating his equally horny girlfriend would be the end of life as they know it, Biden’s gotta pull out. IMHO. By the way, I love “Blue Jasmine.” Great dispatch. Keep ‘em coming and take care of yourself.

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Candor is your superpower, Sherry! Yes, there have been weeks of practice bombings around these parts as well but probably nothing like the suburbs. I feel like every time I fully relax for an eighth of a second, there is a KABOOM.

Thanks for your support. I love seeing you here keeping it Sherry flavored real.

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Jul 13Liked by Eileen Dougharty

S T A N C H woman -- there's nothing worse!

Totally correct, especially if dealing with heat & humidity.

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Jul 10Liked by Eileen Dougharty

I always love to read your stories and am super glad you continue to say YES despite this being one of the worst summers ever. Love you!!

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Love you too, Mo RiRi!!!

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Jul 7Liked by Eileen Dougharty

Great post, v funny and made me miss Chicago. Andersonville 4 lyfe

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A-ville is the best this time of year 🙌🏼

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Jul 6Liked by Eileen Dougharty

I grew up in Chicago. I immediately recognized the Chicago Hot Dog.

Could totally relate to this Stack and am looking forward to checking out more of your musings. We may be related!!! j/k

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Jul 6Liked by Eileen Dougharty

Thank you for making me snort with laughter with this paragraph of deadpan wit:

"Last year at this time, I was fully engrossed in my annual “My self esteem is getting a bit out of control, I should probably let the world of dating apps club me in the kneecaps for a bit” period. Cut to me making out in our backyard with an older neurotic Jewish man with a rock and roll podcast who strung me along for a month or more."

Doesn't matter how often you feel up to writing Eileen, I'm here for it. xxx

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I also pursued online dating for all the comedic value….men really do provide :)

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Jul 5Liked by Eileen Dougharty

Irish exit! Heck how about an Irish hello! Keep shining your light on us, Eileen. Gonna send yous some heathy snacks soon and keep stacking.

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Tanks, my little K2. You light up my life :)

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I love that introvert tip re professor! Will definitely take that...

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Jul 4Liked by Eileen Dougharty

Great post, thanks

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Jul 3Liked by Eileen Dougharty

Ketchup is the worst!!!!

But damn your writing…I was with you for every twist and turn.

You’ll have the 100th and much more in no time.

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Thank you, sweet Caroline (NOT a Neil D reference)

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Jul 3Liked by Eileen Dougharty

Sending you so much love. ❤️

I think you and I always relished the Chicago summertime distractions. Just the best place to be in the summer. Endless opportunities for fun…. And hotdogs!

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Counting the days until we IRL it.

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Thank you, Nora! I’m so glad you brought your Chicago spirit to the Stack party. 🎈

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